David’s Personal Approach (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, is at the forefront of empowering electricians and those aspiring to join the field. In this accompanying blog article, we delve into a recent video from Barts Electric that provides valuable insights for electricians, particularly those in the early stages of their careers. Additionally, we highlight Barts Electric’s commitment to hiring new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen.

Optimizing Copper Usage

In the video, the Barts Electric team emphasizes the importance of efficiency in electrical work, specifically when it comes to copper usage. The narrator stresses the need to avoid unnecessary waste, advising against chopping off and wasting three inches of copper on four conductors. Electricians are encouraged to leave a tab to save copper and, ultimately, save money.

Training and Skill Development

The video showcases a group of individuals in their fifth week of training at Barts Electric. Their task is to design and implement a functional electrical system using various components such as three-way and four-way switches, single-pole switches, lights, and receptacles. This hands-on exercise allows the trainees to apply the knowledge they’ve gained over the weeks and put it into practice in a real-world scenario.

Application of Knowledge

As the trainees work on wiring the system, the video highlights the diversity of the setup, featuring two single-pole switches, a home run in the center, three-way and four-way switches, and a strategically placed LED panel. The team is instructed to zone control the system, effectively creating separate power packs for different areas – in this case, Zones A and B.

Real-world Scenario Simulation

Barts Electric’s training approach involves simulating real-world scenarios where trainees can apply the skills and knowledge they’ve acquired. By having the trainees design, assemble, and make the system work, Barts Electric ensures that the learning experience is not confined to theory but extends to practical application.

Join Barts Electric – Opportunities for Electricians

For those looking to kickstart or advance their careers in electrical construction, Barts Electric is the place to be. The company is continuously seeking new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen to join their dynamic team. Whether you are starting your journey in the electrical field or bringing years of experience, Barts Electric provides a platform for growth, learning, and professional development.

Barts Electric’s commitment to educating and empowering electricians is evident in their training programs and hands-on learning experiences. By incorporating real-world scenarios into their training, Barts Electric ensures that their team members are well-prepared to tackle the challenges of electrical construction. Aspiring electricians and seasoned professionals alike can find a rewarding career path with Barts Electric, a national leader in the electrical construction industry.

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Complete Video Transcript

You’re not chopping off and wasting three inches of copper on four conductors every time, or cutting, trying to cut that tape, and it nicks away. You don’t want to nick; that’s it. So you just leave yourself a tab because we’re going to save. We want to save as much copper as we can. We don’t want to waste money that way.

These guys are going in their fifth week, so what now? The task for them is to put, uh, to draw a system using however they want to do it: three ways, four ways, single pole switches.

Now they’re working on wiring it up, and once it’s done, I want to see it work. The area over there that those two are working on, we’ve got two single poles, and we’ve got our home run in the center. Well, while they’re doing that over there, we’re running a three-way and a four-way in the center with a bulb that’ll be used for the three and four-way. And then I’m going to hook up an LED panel off to the left, and it’s going to be on its own power box, power pack, or.

They’re doing a zone, basically; they’re zone controlling it. This is two switches. This would be Zone A and B. That’s the way they’re going to put their switching in. This way, they’re applying everything that they’ve already learned in a job or a print, if you will, that they’ve designed themselves, put it together, and make it work.

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Complete Video Transcript

You’re not chopping off and wasting three inches of copper on four conductors every time, or cutting, trying to cut that tape, and it nicks away. You don’t want to nick; that’s it. So you just leave yourself a tab because we’re going to save. We want to save as much copper as we can. We don’t want to waste money that way.

These guys are going in their fifth week, so what now? The task for them is to put, uh, to draw a system using however they want to do it: three ways, four ways, single pole switches.

Now they’re working on wiring it up, and once it’s done, I want to see it work. The area over there that those two are working on, we’ve got two single poles, and we’ve got our home run in the center. Well, while they’re doing that over there, we’re running a three-way and a four-way in the center with a bulb that’ll be used for the three and four-way. And then I’m going to hook up an LED panel off to the left, and it’s going to be on its own power box, power pack, or.

They’re doing a zone, basically; they’re zone controlling it. This is two switches. This would be Zone A and B. That’s the way they’re going to put their switching in. This way, they’re applying everything that they’ve already learned in a job or a print, if you will, that they’ve designed themselves, put it together, and make it work.