All Electrical Apprenticeships Are Not Created Equal (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, is not just a company; it’s a community of skilled professionals dedicated to fostering a positive and supportive environment. In this blog article, we’ll delve into the experiences of electricians and aspiring professionals who have found a home at Barts Electric. Whether you’re an experienced journeyman or someone considering a career change to become an electrician, Barts Electric has opportunities and a culture that sets it apart.

Positive Culture and Supportive Atmosphere

One common theme echoed by individuals associated with Barts Electric is the positive culture that permeates the workplace. From the early hours of the morning when the sun is still rising, everyone comes in with a smile, creating an atmosphere that doesn’t feel like work but rather a place where individuals can enjoy what they do. The camaraderie among colleagues is evident as greetings are exchanged, fostering a sense of community.

Opportunities for Apprentices

For those seeking apprenticeships with a focus on hands-on training and comprehensive education, Barts Electric stands out as one of the best options available. Apprentices speak highly of the structured training programs that equip them with the skills needed to succeed in the electrical construction industry. The company invests not only in the apprentices’ education but also in creating a positive and empowering environment that encourages growth.

Personal Growth and Learning

Newcomers to Barts Electric often express initial nervousness that transforms into confidence and job satisfaction. Apprentices appreciate the practical approach to learning, where they can apply their knowledge in real-world situations. The emphasis on practical experience over theoretical knowledge ensures that apprentices not only learn quickly but also retain information effectively.

Long-Term Career Development

Barts Electric isn’t just a place of employment; it’s a platform for building long-term careers. Apprentices feel a sense of independence as they are provided with the necessary tools and resources to learn and grow on their own. The company instills a sense of responsibility in its employees, allowing them to take charge of their career paths while providing the support needed for success.

Supportive Community

The sense of community at Barts Electric is described as tight-knit, with colleagues likened to a supportive family. The company fosters an environment where individuals can freely seek help and guidance from their peers. This collaborative spirit ensures that everyone is working towards common goals, creating a work atmosphere that feels more like a community than just a job.

Investment in Employees

Barts Electric demonstrates a commitment to its employees through various means, including investing in their education. Apprentices mention a 30-day period where they are not actively working for the company, yet the company provides resources, tools, and support during this time. This investment in the development of its workforce is a testament to Barts Electric’s dedication to its employees’ success.

Barts Electric is not just a national electrical construction contractor; it’s a community that values its people and invests in their growth. Whether you’re an experienced journeyman seeking new opportunities or someone looking to embark on a rewarding career as an electrician, Barts Electric offers a positive culture, comprehensive training, and a supportive environment. Join the Barts Electric family and build a bright future in the electrical construction industry. And remember, Barts Electric is always looking for new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen to join their team.

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Every person you see has a smile on their face. They don’t look like they’re here at work; they look like they’re here enjoying themselves. When looking for an apprenticeship that offered the actual schooling for people who don’t have the experience, this is one of the best options I found.

I mean everybody that I’ve met, you know, we come in at 6:45 in the morning; the sun’s not even up yet. Everybody says good morning to me, and I say good morning to everybody else, so you can tell it’s a very positive culture. But I was pretty nervous coming in the first day, and it’s the fourth day now, and I feel good being here. I like everybody I’m working with; I like what I’m doing. I feel like I’m learning fast; I’m learning a lot, and I’m retaining the information because I’m able to actually do it instead of just hear it.

Well, I’m excited to get out to a job once we get our training done. Obviously, I know I have a lot to learn. It is a job; it’s a little more than just a job. They know they care about you; they want to help you out if you’re needing help. That’s what made me want to work here.

Well, I’d like to make this a long-term career. I don’t feel like anybody is necessarily holding my hand, but I also feel like I’m getting all the necessary tools to be able to do things myself and learn things my way. So I’ve never really been a real physical worker; you know, it’s more mental work. And here, you’ve got to find that right mixture. So the goal for me is to get the right amount of mental and physical together.

They’ve said they invest in us, and I truly feel like they do. Because it’s 30 days that we’re not even working really for them; we’re using up their pipe, using up their tools, using up boxes, and they’re investing in us for a full month. It feels amazing. I mean, I enjoy this type of work. My last job, I wasn’t really happy with it, and I knew this is something I would love and like. And it feels like I’m just doing a hobby, not a job.

It’s pretty tight-knit; everyone’s like a brother here. You can tell someone something, and it’s something that everyone will understand. If you’re having an issue with something, you could go ask someone, and they’ll know, and they’ll help you out with it. If I could get schooling in a way that is free after I complete it, then why wouldn’t I pick that over any other place?

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Every person you see has a smile on their face. They don’t look like they’re here at work; they look like they’re here enjoying themselves. When looking for an apprenticeship that offered the actual schooling for people who don’t have the experience, this is one of the best options I found.

I mean everybody that I’ve met, you know, we come in at 6:45 in the morning; the sun’s not even up yet. Everybody says good morning to me, and I say good morning to everybody else, so you can tell it’s a very positive culture. But I was pretty nervous coming in the first day, and it’s the fourth day now, and I feel good being here. I like everybody I’m working with; I like what I’m doing. I feel like I’m learning fast; I’m learning a lot, and I’m retaining the information because I’m able to actually do it instead of just hear it.

Well, I’m excited to get out to a job once we get our training done. Obviously, I know I have a lot to learn. It is a job; it’s a little more than just a job. They know they care about you; they want to help you out if you’re needing help. That’s what made me want to work here.

Well, I’d like to make this a long-term career. I don’t feel like anybody is necessarily holding my hand, but I also feel like I’m getting all the necessary tools to be able to do things myself and learn things my way. So I’ve never really been a real physical worker; you know, it’s more mental work. And here, you’ve got to find that right mixture. So the goal for me is to get the right amount of mental and physical together.

They’ve said they invest in us, and I truly feel like they do. Because it’s 30 days that we’re not even working really for them; we’re using up their pipe, using up their tools, using up boxes, and they’re investing in us for a full month. It feels amazing. I mean, I enjoy this type of work. My last job, I wasn’t really happy with it, and I knew this is something I would love and like. And it feels like I’m just doing a hobby, not a job.

It’s pretty tight-knit; everyone’s like a brother here. You can tell someone something, and it’s something that everyone will understand. If you’re having an issue with something, you could go ask someone, and they’ll know, and they’ll help you out with it. If I could get schooling in a way that is free after I complete it, then why wouldn’t I pick that over any other place?