At Barts Electric, We’ve Got Your Back (Video)

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Barts Electric, a renowned national electrical construction contractor, stands as a beacon in the industry, offering support and guidance to both experienced journeymen and aspiring electricians. This article is a companion to a Barts Electric video, aiming to shed light on the company’s commitment to its team members and the opportunities it provides for electricians and those aspiring to join the field.

Support on the Job

In the fast-paced world of electrical construction, challenges are inevitable. Barts Electric understands the struggles that electricians may face on the job. In the accompanying video, the company emphasizes the open line of communication it maintains. Electricians are encouraged to reach out if they encounter any issues, no matter how big or small. The assurance that everyone has access to support ensures a collaborative environment, fostering success on each project.

Unwavering Support for Electricians

Barts Electric recognizes that electricians may find themselves at a crossroad, grappling with challenges that seem insurmountable. Whether it’s a missing tool, a technical dilemma, or a strained relationship with a foreman, the company provides unwavering support. Electricians are reassured that they can reach out to their first line of defense – their foreman, who is there to guide, advise, and troubleshoot alongside them.

The Foreman-Electrician Relationship

The video highlights the crucial role of foremen, particularly in challenging situations. Foremen at Barts Electric are described as mentors and supporters, someone electricians can turn to when the going gets tough. The foreman becomes a pivotal figure in the electrician’s journey, offering guidance, reassurance, and solutions. Barts Electric values the strong bond between foremen and electricians, emphasizing that this relationship contributes to the success of both the individual and the company.

Barts Electric’s Hiring Initiatives

For those aspiring to become electricians, Barts Electric opens its doors wide with a promise of opportunities. The company is always on the lookout for new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen to join their ranks. This commitment to continuously bringing in new talent underscores Barts Electric’s dedication to fostering a dynamic and skilled workforce.

Barts Electric’s commitment to its electricians and those aspiring to enter the field is evident in its unwavering support system, emphasis on open communication, and the crucial role of foremen. This informative blog article serves as a testament to Barts Electric’s dedication to building a strong and resilient community of electricians who can rely on each other for success in the ever-evolving world of electrical construction.

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Complete Video Transcript

Everybody here has got my phone number. If you go out to a job and realize you forgot something, and can’t figure out what it is, call me. If we can’t figure it out on the phone, I’m going to get in my truck and come to where you are. We’ll figure it out together.

Here’s another thing: let’s say you get on the job, and you’re in tears, saying, “I can’t work with this foreman. I’ve lost everything that I’ve tried to figure out. I’m at a crossroad here, and I don’t know what to do. I’m just going to quit.” But you don’t really want to quit; you think, “This foreman’s not giving me a chance. This is bad.” If you’re ever in that situation, you’ve got to remember he’s your first line of defense. If you feel like you can’t call anybody in the company, you’ve got to call him and say, “David, I’m in trouble. Just tell me what to do.” Even if the last time you went to him he chewed you out and you’re in tears, scared to death, don’t know what to do, say, “David, can you please get here quick?” There are plenty of people here to do that, but David, right now, he’s going to look at you guys as his boys. You should have seen them run their first piece of pipe. He’s going to be proud of you, just like he said when you came back with a good job. That’s a piece of me; that’s a part of me. Yeah, and David’s got your back. That’s why he’s out here training

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Complete Video Transcript

Everybody here has got my phone number. If you go out to a job and realize you forgot something, and can’t figure out what it is, call me. If we can’t figure it out on the phone, I’m going to get in my truck and come to where you are. We’ll figure it out together.

Here’s another thing: let’s say you get on the job, and you’re in tears, saying, “I can’t work with this foreman. I’ve lost everything that I’ve tried to figure out. I’m at a crossroad here, and I don’t know what to do. I’m just going to quit.” But you don’t really want to quit; you think, “This foreman’s not giving me a chance. This is bad.” If you’re ever in that situation, you’ve got to remember he’s your first line of defense. If you feel like you can’t call anybody in the company, you’ve got to call him and say, “David, I’m in trouble. Just tell me what to do.” Even if the last time you went to him he chewed you out and you’re in tears, scared to death, don’t know what to do, say, “David, can you please get here quick?” There are plenty of people here to do that, but David, right now, he’s going to look at you guys as his boys. You should have seen them run their first piece of pipe. He’s going to be proud of you, just like he said when you came back with a good job. That’s a piece of me; that’s a part of me. Yeah, and David’s got your back. That’s why he’s out here training