Barts Electric: A Can-Do Culture (Video)

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Are you intrigued by the world of construction, fascinated by the intricate workings of electrical systems, and eager to be part of a dynamic team? If so, then Barts Electric may have the opportunity you’ve been seeking. As a national electrical construction contractor, Barts Electric is dedicated to excellence in the field, and they’re always on the lookout for passionate individuals who are ready to learn and grow as electricians.

In a recent video from Barts Electric, the essence of their company culture and the qualities they value in their team members shine through. Let’s delve into what makes Barts Electric a sought-after destination for both aspiring electricians and seasoned journeymen alike.

About Barts Electric

Barts Electric is a renowned national electrical construction contractor known for its commitment to quality, safety, and innovation. With a wide range of projects that span across various industries, including commercial, industrial, and institutional sectors, Barts Electric offers a diverse and dynamic work environment for its employees.

The Barts Electric Ethos

In the video, a representative from Barts Electric emphasizes the company’s dedication to getting the job done right. From digging ditches to laying pipe and pulling wire, Barts Electric employees are engaged in a multitude of tasks essential to the success of construction projects. What sets them apart, however, is their proactive attitude towards problem-solving.

“We want somebody that’s going to see something that’s not done that needs to be done and go, ‘I can do that. I know how to do that,'” the representative states. This mindset reflects Barts Electric’s emphasis on initiative and a willingness to go above and beyond expectations.

Traits Barts Electric Values

Barts Electric seeks individuals who embody certain key traits:

  1. Initiative: They value individuals who take the initiative to identify and address tasks that need attention without being asked.
  2. Continuous Improvement: Barts Electric encourages employees to seek opportunities for personal and professional growth. Whether it’s learning a new skill or expanding their expertise, employees are empowered to develop themselves.
  3. Team Collaboration: The company fosters a collaborative environment where employees can seek guidance and mentorship from their peers and supervisors. This spirit of teamwork contributes to the overall success of projects.
  4. Adaptability: Being open to taking on new challenges and roles is highly valued at Barts Electric. Employees are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and explore different aspects of electrical construction.

Opportunities at Barts Electric

For those interested in pursuing a career in electrical construction, Barts Electric offers a range of opportunities, including apprenticeships and positions for experienced journeymen. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to advance your career, Barts Electric provides a supportive environment where you can thrive and make meaningful contributions to the industry.

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We are a construction company. We do a lot of work outside, digging many ditches, laying a substantial amount of pipe, and pulling a bunch of wire. We pull the wires hard. The best way I could say it is somebody who, when they see something that needs to be done, isn’t going to look at it and say, “That’s not my job, that’s somebody else’s job.” We want somebody who will see something that’s not done but needs to be done and say, “I can do that. I know how to do that. Let me ask if it needs to be done.” And then, if it needs to be done, they’ll go do it.

We want someone who takes that extra step, somebody who is not only looking to improve themselves but also improve a company. Somebody who is willing to take on more than they originally thought they would be able to. For instance, if you’ve only known how to pull wire, but you say, “Hey, I want to learn how to bend conduit,” go to your Foreman, supervisor, journeyman, or the person mentoring you and say, “Hey, can you teach me how to bend conduit? I would really love to know so that when we get to this other job site, I can help out.” That’s what we’re looking for. Those are the kind of personality traits that we want, and those are the kind of personality traits that we love.

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We are a construction company. We do a lot of work outside, digging many ditches, laying a substantial amount of pipe, and pulling a bunch of wire. We pull the wires hard. The best way I could say it is somebody who, when they see something that needs to be done, isn’t going to look at it and say, “That’s not my job, that’s somebody else’s job.” We want somebody who will see something that’s not done but needs to be done and say, “I can do that. I know how to do that. Let me ask if it needs to be done.” And then, if it needs to be done, they’ll go do it.

We want someone who takes that extra step, somebody who is not only looking to improve themselves but also improve a company. Somebody who is willing to take on more than they originally thought they would be able to. For instance, if you’ve only known how to pull wire, but you say, “Hey, I want to learn how to bend conduit,” go to your Foreman, supervisor, journeyman, or the person mentoring you and say, “Hey, can you teach me how to bend conduit? I would really love to know so that when we get to this other job site, I can help out.” That’s what we’re looking for. Those are the kind of personality traits that we want, and those are the kind of personality traits that we love.