Barts Electric Apprentices Set The Bar High (Video)

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Barts Electric, a leading national electrical construction contractor, is dedicated to fostering excellence in the electrician community. In this blog article, we will delve into a recent meeting that showcases the commitment of Barts Electric to the development of both apprentices and experienced journeymen. Whether you’re already an electrician or aspiring to become one, Barts Electric has opportunities for you. Join us as we explore the remarkable journey of apprentices and the vision set by David Dahl, inspiring individuals to aim for mastery in the field.

The Weekly Gathering

Every Monday, the Barts Electric team gathers to connect with a group of 10 red hats and 10 apprentices. This regular meeting serves as a platform for sharing experiences, setting goals, and fostering a sense of community among electricians. The quality of these apprentices stands out, and the dedication to their craft is truly commendable.

Aspiring for Mastery

One common theme echoed by these aspiring electricians is the desire to become master electricians. This shared goal is not coincidental but a result of the guidance provided by David Dahl, a figure who has set the bar high for excellence. Dahl’s philosophy is not just to be a journeyman but to aspire to become a master in the field. This mindset shift is crucial in cultivating a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the Barts Electric community.

Opportunities at Barts Electric

For those considering a career in electrical construction or looking to advance their skills, Barts Electric is the place to be. The company is always on the lookout for new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen to join its dynamic team. The commitment to mentorship and skill development creates an environment where individuals can thrive and reach their full potential as electricians.

How to Join Barts Electric

If you are interested in becoming part of the Barts Electric family, visit our website for information on current job openings and apprenticeship programs. The company welcomes individuals who share a passion for electrical work and are eager to contribute to the industry’s growth.

Barts Electric’s dedication to nurturing future master electricians is evident in its weekly meetings and the mentorship provided by industry leaders like David Dahl. Whether you are a seasoned journeyman or just starting your journey in electrical construction, Barts Electric offers a supportive environment where your skills can flourish. Explore the opportunities available at Barts Electric and join a community that values excellence and continuous learning in the field of electrical construction.

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Every Monday, I get to meet with 10 Red Hats and 10 apprentices. The quality of these apprentices is tremendous. It’s been a great meeting; I get to hear about their goals. Almost every one of them says they want to be a master electrician. That’s because David Dahl has taught them not to be a journeyman, but to be a master. He set the bar high at Barts Electric

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Every Monday, I get to meet with 10 Red Hats and 10 apprentices. The quality of these apprentices is tremendous. It’s been a great meeting; I get to hear about their goals. Almost every one of them says they want to be a master electrician. That’s because David Dahl has taught them not to be a journeyman, but to be a master. He set the bar high at Barts Electric