Bart’s Electric: Honored to Serve the Armed Forces (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, has a rich history of impactful projects that contribute to the greater good. In this blog article, we delve into a remarkable achievement that exemplifies the company’s expertise and commitment to excellence. Whether you’re an experienced journeyman electrician or someone aspiring to enter the field, this story sheds light on the significant work carried out by Barts Electric.

The Fort Campbell Project

One standout project that highlights Barts Electric’s capabilities involved a collaboration with Mortensen at Fort Campbell in Clarksville, Tennessee. Over a span of three years, the dedicated team at Barts Electric undertook a monumental task – the complete overhaul of a major United States Army hospital’s electrical distribution infrastructure.

Key Achievements

What sets this project apart is the seamless execution of replacing the entire electrical utility infrastructure while keeping the hospital fully operational. The complexity of this task was extraordinary, requiring a level of skill and expertise that goes beyond what an average electrical contractor could handle.

The Challenge

Imagine taking away the entire power source of a hospital and replacing it with all-new equipment without disrupting its day-to-day operations. Barts Electric not only met this challenge head-on but exceeded expectations. This achievement speaks volumes about the company’s commitment to delivering high-quality work, even in the most complex scenarios.

The Significance

The video transcript emphasizes the importance of the work carried out by Barts Electric. The projects, especially those involving military hospitals like Air Force, Navy, and Army facilities, play a critical role in defending the nation. These institutions provide essential healthcare services to those defending and protecting our country.

Join Barts Electric

Whether you are an experienced journeyman looking for new opportunities or someone considering a career in electrical construction, Barts Electric is always on the lookout for skilled individuals to join their team. The company values the contribution of its employees and recognizes the importance of their work in serving both the community and the nation.

Barts Electric stands as a testament to the impact that electrical construction can have on critical infrastructure. The Fort Campbell project showcases the company’s ability to tackle complex challenges while maintaining a commitment to the greater good. For electricians and those aspiring to become part of a dynamic and skilled team, Barts Electric offers not just a job but an opportunity to contribute to projects that truly matter.

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Complete Video Transcript

I’d like to think, over the years, that a lot of our work has been very focused towards the greater good. I would say we were able to team up with Mortensen and go to Fort Campbell in Clarksville, Tennessee. We spent three years going through that hospital. You’re touching on something I think that’s really important โ€“ that we want the world to know about. That is the fact that, on that particular project, which is an excellent example of your skill set and our capabilities as a company, we took a major United States Army hospital. We completely removed all of the electrical distribution infrastructure out of the hospital and replaced it with all brand new electrical utility infrastructure. We kept the thing operational the whole time.

What that means is, we’re going to take all of the ability for this hospital to have power out, and then we’re going to replace it with all brand new equipment. You’re never going to know it; you’re just going to continue to do everything you need to do business as usual. It was an incredible achievement that we were all very proud of. You did exceptional work on that โ€“ you and your entire team. Not only is it important work, but it’s complex work. Complex work that just the average, ordinary electrical contractor could not even begin to tackle. I think it was a great achievement that we all can be very proud of.

You know, you brought up a really good point, and I’ve said this to people in the company for years โ€“ the work we do really matters. It’s really, really important to the end user, to the customer. These military hospitals, whether they be Air Force, Navy, Army hospitals, they help defend our nation. They provide critical health care for those people and their families that are defending and protecting our nation. That’s incredible.

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Complete Video Transcript

I’d like to think, over the years, that a lot of our work has been very focused towards the greater good. I would say we were able to team up with Mortensen and go to Fort Campbell in Clarksville, Tennessee. We spent three years going through that hospital. You’re touching on something I think that’s really important โ€“ that we want the world to know about. That is the fact that, on that particular project, which is an excellent example of your skill set and our capabilities as a company, we took a major United States Army hospital. We completely removed all of the electrical distribution infrastructure out of the hospital and replaced it with all brand new electrical utility infrastructure. We kept the thing operational the whole time.

What that means is, we’re going to take all of the ability for this hospital to have power out, and then we’re going to replace it with all brand new equipment. You’re never going to know it; you’re just going to continue to do everything you need to do business as usual. It was an incredible achievement that we were all very proud of. You did exceptional work on that โ€“ you and your entire team. Not only is it important work, but it’s complex work. Complex work that just the average, ordinary electrical contractor could not even begin to tackle. I think it was a great achievement that we all can be very proud of.

You know, you brought up a really good point, and I’ve said this to people in the company for years โ€“ the work we do really matters. It’s really, really important to the end user, to the customer. These military hospitals, whether they be Air Force, Navy, Army hospitals, they help defend our nation. They provide critical health care for those people and their families that are defending and protecting our nation. That’s incredible.