Getting Better Each Day Via Collaboration and Support (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, is not just about powering up buildings; it’s also about powering up careers and fostering a positive work environment. In this blog article, we’ll delve into what makes Barts Electric stand out for electricians and those aspiring to join the electrical industry. Whether you’re a seasoned journeyman or a budding apprentice, Barts Electric has a place for you.

The People Make the Difference

In a recent video, employees at Barts Electric express their enthusiasm for the company, and interestingly, it’s not just the work that they appreciate the most – it’s the people. The positive atmosphere and camaraderie among the team members create an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

What Defines a Good Environment

When asked about what constitutes a good environment, one employee emphasized the significance of attitude and the way people treat each other. At Barts Electric, fostering a positive and respectful atmosphere is a top priority. The open communication channels and willingness to help one another contribute to the creation of an environment where everyone can thrive.

Knowledge Sharing and Growth

One striking aspect of the Barts Electric culture is the commitment to knowledge sharing and continuous learning. Employees recount instances where they sought assistance from their colleagues when faced with challenges. In the example given, an employee was struggling with back-to-back 90s and sought guidance from fellow team members. The collaborative effort not only helped the individual overcome the challenge but also created a ripple effect as they, in turn, assisted a colleague facing a similar issue.

Building Knowledge, One Step at a Time

Barts Electric takes pride in building its team members’ knowledge and skills incrementally. The emphasis is on making progress, even if it’s just one percent better every day. This commitment to continuous improvement not only benefits individual employees but also contributes to the collective growth of the entire team.

Opportunities for Electricians

For those looking to start or advance their careers in electrical construction, Barts Electric is always on the lookout for new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen. The company’s commitment to building a skilled and knowledgeable workforce is reflected in its hiring practices, providing opportunities for both entry-level and seasoned professionals.

Barts Electric goes beyond being a national electrical construction contractor; it is a community that values its people and invests in their growth. The positive work environment, emphasis on knowledge sharing, and commitment to continuous improvement make Barts Electric an attractive choice for electricians and aspiring professionals in the field. If you’re looking for a place where your skills are appreciated, and where you can contribute to a supportive community, Barts Electric might be the next step in your electrifying career journey.

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What do you like best about it? The people. Even more than the work, you like the people the best. Yep, wow, that’s a good thing to hear. That’s what I’m surrounded by, a good environment. So, what’s a good environment? What is a good environment for you? Attitude from people. The way each other, everybody treats each other. Okay, and it’s not only that. If I ever have an issue with something, I ask someone else like Eli or Tyler or anyone else to help me out, and they help me out.

I was having trouble with back-to-back 90s, and I was asking Dave and Tyler and all that to help me out with it. I finally started figuring it out, and she was having problems with it, so I helped her. When I helped her, she got that one. That’s awesome! Yes, that’s for me. That makes my heart feel good. Yeah, because it makes me know that even though you’ve been here a little more than a week, you already have some of that knowledge I’m talking about. Some of that knowledge is yours. I can’t take it back.

It’s yours now, and now you’ve even done more than that. You’ve decided to share what you have with someone else. So that’s how we build people, step at a time, a help at a time, just with how it works. And that’s just like I said, that makes me feel good, one percent better every day, as long as you’re making some progress.

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What do you like best about it? The people. Even more than the work, you like the people the best. Yep, wow, that’s a good thing to hear. That’s what I’m surrounded by, a good environment. So, what’s a good environment? What is a good environment for you? Attitude from people. The way each other, everybody treats each other. Okay, and it’s not only that. If I ever have an issue with something, I ask someone else like Eli or Tyler or anyone else to help me out, and they help me out.

I was having trouble with back-to-back 90s, and I was asking Dave and Tyler and all that to help me out with it. I finally started figuring it out, and she was having problems with it, so I helped her. When I helped her, she got that one. That’s awesome! Yes, that’s for me. That makes my heart feel good. Yeah, because it makes me know that even though you’ve been here a little more than a week, you already have some of that knowledge I’m talking about. Some of that knowledge is yours. I can’t take it back.

It’s yours now, and now you’ve even done more than that. You’ve decided to share what you have with someone else. So that’s how we build people, step at a time, a help at a time, just with how it works. And that’s just like I said, that makes me feel good, one percent better every day, as long as you’re making some progress.