Project Planning An Outsiders Perspective (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, takes us behind the scenes of their latest project through the eyes of their videographer. In this blog article, we’ll explore the intricate world of electrical construction, shedding light on the fascinating dynamics that drive successful projects. Whether you’re an experienced electrician or someone aspiring to join the field, Barts Electric has something to offer.

The Construction World Unveiled

The videographer shares his awe at the rapid transformation of a project site within a span of four to six months. What appears to be a chaotic beehive of activity to an outsider is a meticulously orchestrated symphony of trades and skills working in harmony. The construction world, as showcased by Barts Electric, is nothing short of amazing.

The Importance of Planning

One of the key insights revealed is the critical role of planning in a construction project. Every trade, including electrical, plumbing, heating, and air conditioning, must seamlessly coordinate their efforts. Barts Electric emphasizes the significance of a well-thought-out plan, evident in the organized chaos observed on the project site. From makeshift desks to planning calendars and whiteboards, the meticulous planning behind the scenes ensures that the project progresses smoothly.

Safety Takes Center Stage

The videographer highlights the paramount importance of safety in the construction industry, a principle ingrained in Barts Electric’s work culture. Walking through the project site, one can observe the strict safety measures in place, from specific attire requirements to protective netting around welding areas. The commitment to safety not only protects the workers but also contributes to the overall success and timely completion of the project.

The World of Electrical Apprenticeship

For those considering a career in electrical construction, Barts Electric extends an invitation. The company is always on the lookout for new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen to join their team. The electrifying world of electrical work awaits individuals who are passionate about contributing to innovative projects and shaping the future of construction.

Barts Electric offers a glimpse into the captivating world of electrical construction, emphasizing the importance of planning, coordination among trades, and an unwavering commitment to safety. Whether you’re an experienced electrician or someone looking to embark on a career in the field, Barts Electric provides opportunities to be part of a dynamic and successful team. Discover the world behind the wires and join Barts Electric in building the future of electrical construction.

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Complete Video Transcript

I’m the Barts Electric videographer, and I’m out here on a project of arts. Nobody really wants to hear from the videographer; I just thought I’d share a couple of comments from somebody who doesn’t do this for a living. You know, the construction world is really amazing. I mean, I walked through this project very quickly today, had my camera on, and I was here. I don’t know, I think it was maybe four to six months ago to see the difference that has happened to this project since the last time I was out here.

Literally, it’s just a beehive of activity today. It feels like there’s a hundred people out here to me. The part that’s amazing for somebody who is a novice and doesn’t see this stuff all the time and certainly doesn’t have a lot of experience in it is all the planning that you have to appreciate that goes on in a project like this. Making all the trades work togetherโ€”you know, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, all the interior workโ€”all of that stuff has to be coordinated.

When you walk around the building, it feels like there’s, um, it’s just chaos, kind of. But when you walk into certain rooms and you see people’s desks, their makeshift desks, and their planning calendars and their whiteboards and all of that, you realize, no, this thing is, there’s a plan going on here big time. In fact, it has to be, or things are going to go wrong, badly wrong, and it won’t be as safe, which is another thing that really sticks out when you look at a project like thisโ€”the safety has to be a primary importance.

You get a feel for the requirements of what people have to wear and the way they put netting around the welder, for example, and it’s just an impressive thing to watch if you’re not familiar with it and aren’t in this profession. You realize, wow, there’s a whole world of stuff that has to go on to make something like this happen and happen on time and successfully.

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Complete Video Transcript

I’m the Barts Electric videographer, and I’m out here on a project of arts. Nobody really wants to hear from the videographer; I just thought I’d share a couple of comments from somebody who doesn’t do this for a living. You know, the construction world is really amazing. I mean, I walked through this project very quickly today, had my camera on, and I was here. I don’t know, I think it was maybe four to six months ago to see the difference that has happened to this project since the last time I was out here.

Literally, it’s just a beehive of activity today. It feels like there’s a hundred people out here to me. The part that’s amazing for somebody who is a novice and doesn’t see this stuff all the time and certainly doesn’t have a lot of experience in it is all the planning that you have to appreciate that goes on in a project like this. Making all the trades work togetherโ€”you know, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, all the interior workโ€”all of that stuff has to be coordinated.

When you walk around the building, it feels like there’s, um, it’s just chaos, kind of. But when you walk into certain rooms and you see people’s desks, their makeshift desks, and their planning calendars and their whiteboards and all of that, you realize, no, this thing is, there’s a plan going on here big time. In fact, it has to be, or things are going to go wrong, badly wrong, and it won’t be as safe, which is another thing that really sticks out when you look at a project like thisโ€”the safety has to be a primary importance.

You get a feel for the requirements of what people have to wear and the way they put netting around the welder, for example, and it’s just an impressive thing to watch if you’re not familiar with it and aren’t in this profession. You realize, wow, there’s a whole world of stuff that has to go on to make something like this happen and happen on time and successfully.