The Joy of Giving to the Children of Barts Electric Families (Video)

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Bart’s Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, is not only dedicated to powering up buildings but also to spreading joy and warmth during the festive season. In this blog article, we’ll delve into the heartwarming tradition of Bart’s Electric’s Christmas celebrations and the efforts of their team, particularly Tammy and her elves, to make the holiday season extra special for the company’s children.

The Joy of Giving

At Bart’s Electric, Christmas is a time for giving, and they take pride in ensuring that every gift is thoughtful and tailored to each child’s preferences. Tammy, the cheerful controller at Bart’s Electric, leads the charge in organizing the Christmas party and selecting gifts for the children. Her passion for quality gifts and dedication to making a lasting impression shine through each year.

From Physical Shopping to Amazon Prime

The journey to create a magical Christmas experience begins around Thanksgiving week when presents start arriving at the Bart’s Electric building. Initially involving physical shopping expeditions with shopping carts, Tammy later embraced the convenience of Amazon Prime to streamline the process. The team gathers all the gifts in a designated room, typically the spacious accounting room, transforming it into a festive wonderland filled with toys.

Santa’s Little Helpers

The period between acquiring the toys and the Christmas party involves meticulous planning. Tammy, along with the accounting crew, acts as Santa’s Little Helpers. They check off items from the list, wrap the presents in pretty paper, and ensure every family receives their gifts promptly. The process involves a considerable amount of organizing, wrapping, and, most importantly, care.

Tailored Presents and Thoughtful Touches

What sets Bart’s Electric’s Christmas tradition apart is the emphasis on personalized gifts. Rather than providing random presents, Tammy ensures each child receives something tailored to their preferences. This commitment extends beyond presents; Tammy and her team also take care of centerpieces for the tables, ensuring that every detail adds to the overall festive ambiance.

Cultivating the Bart’s Culture

The dedication to creating a memorable Christmas experience reflects the culture at Bart’s Electric. It’s not just about giving presents; it’s about giving the right presents, carefully chosen and wrapped with love. The entire team, inspired by the spirit of giving, becomes Santa’s elves, working together to spread joy and happiness.

As we celebrate the magic of Christmas, we extend our gratitude to Tammy and all the members of Bart’s Electric for their commitment to making the holiday season special. From tailored presents to festive centerpieces, every detail reflects the care and dedication that define Bart’s Electric’s culture. Merry Christmas to Tammy and all the elves at Bart’s Electricโ€”may your festive season be filled with peace on Earth and goodwill to all!

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Merry Christmas to all of you at Barts Electric. Now, apologies that I can’t be with you at your Christmas party, but you know Santa can’t be everywhere this time of year because I’m busy putting our lists together. Yes, checking them twice and figuring out who is nice and who is not, so I need elves out there helping me get everything and everyone ready for Christmas.

Yes, Tammy is one of my elves; she is helping take care of all of the Barts Electric children. Tammy also has her own elves helping her. Here is the story of what Tammy and her elves have been doing every Christmas for many, many years.

The military takes a lot of pride in the Christmas party and the celebration with the children, especially. She loves gathering the presents, buying the presents, choosing the presents that the parents have indicated that their kids like or want. She really goes for quality gifts; she likes making a good impression with the children, and she always does every year. And a good deal too, because she is the controller.

So, there was a time here, and we used to physically go out and shop, like shopping carts. Then she found the miracle of Amazon Prime. Right, yeah, right. So, starting right around Thanksgiving week, we start getting presents delivered here at the building. We gather them all up in one room, usually the big accounting room. It’s always just packed full of toys.

During the time between acquiring the toys and getting them to the Christmas party, we were accounting for them, checking them off the list, getting them wrapped in pretty paper, making sure everybody’s got their family gifts all together. So, there’s a lot of organizing, a lot of wrapping, a lot of care. Yeah, so really, it’s like Tammy and the whole accounting crew are Santa’s Little Helper, sort of. So, this whole gift-giving thing, yeah.

One year, we were in a really good on National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. It’s a lot of stuff that was kind of fun, that’s great. You know, it’s one thing about the Barts culture that’s always meant a lot to Barton, and I know Tammy, it really means a lot to her and you and everybody else as well. Just the fact that we’re not just going to give some random present, it’s going to be a tailored present specifically for that child. That means it really means a lot to us and to her, and she’s taking that super seriously through the year. She takes a great deal of enjoyment out of doing it too.

So, if somebody says their child just wants a gift card, that’s really not good enough for Tammy. She has to make sure they get something substantial they can hold, unwrap, and yeah, and love. So awesome, she takes a lot of pride in it, and she does a great job. Not only that, not only the presents, but the centerpieces for the tables. Yeah, that’s right. She and I go out and shop for those, make sure there’s something good, something that people will like. It can’t be subpar, it has to be good, it has to be great.

So, one year, we were wrapping presents in the conference room and put on Christmas Vacation, and we all sort of began to actually feel like Santa’s elves and really got into the spirit of it. That’s the way it is every year when we’re wrapping the gifts for the kids. We’re helping Santa out; we’re Barts elves. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you, Tammy, and all of Barts Electric. Peace on Earth and goodwill to all.

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Merry Christmas to all of you at Barts Electric. Now, apologies that I can’t be with you at your Christmas party, but you know Santa can’t be everywhere this time of year because I’m busy putting our lists together. Yes, checking them twice and figuring out who is nice and who is not, so I need elves out there helping me get everything and everyone ready for Christmas.

Yes, Tammy is one of my elves; she is helping take care of all of the Barts Electric children. Tammy also has her own elves helping her. Here is the story of what Tammy and her elves have been doing every Christmas for many, many years.

The military takes a lot of pride in the Christmas party and the celebration with the children, especially. She loves gathering the presents, buying the presents, choosing the presents that the parents have indicated that their kids like or want. She really goes for quality gifts; she likes making a good impression with the children, and she always does every year. And a good deal too, because she is the controller.

So, there was a time here, and we used to physically go out and shop, like shopping carts. Then she found the miracle of Amazon Prime. Right, yeah, right. So, starting right around Thanksgiving week, we start getting presents delivered here at the building. We gather them all up in one room, usually the big accounting room. It’s always just packed full of toys.

During the time between acquiring the toys and getting them to the Christmas party, we were accounting for them, checking them off the list, getting them wrapped in pretty paper, making sure everybody’s got their family gifts all together. So, there’s a lot of organizing, a lot of wrapping, a lot of care. Yeah, so really, it’s like Tammy and the whole accounting crew are Santa’s Little Helper, sort of. So, this whole gift-giving thing, yeah.

One year, we were in a really good on National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. It’s a lot of stuff that was kind of fun, that’s great. You know, it’s one thing about the Barts culture that’s always meant a lot to Barton, and I know Tammy, it really means a lot to her and you and everybody else as well. Just the fact that we’re not just going to give some random present, it’s going to be a tailored present specifically for that child. That means it really means a lot to us and to her, and she’s taking that super seriously through the year. She takes a great deal of enjoyment out of doing it too.

So, if somebody says their child just wants a gift card, that’s really not good enough for Tammy. She has to make sure they get something substantial they can hold, unwrap, and yeah, and love. So awesome, she takes a lot of pride in it, and she does a great job. Not only that, not only the presents, but the centerpieces for the tables. Yeah, that’s right. She and I go out and shop for those, make sure there’s something good, something that people will like. It can’t be subpar, it has to be good, it has to be great.

So, one year, we were wrapping presents in the conference room and put on Christmas Vacation, and we all sort of began to actually feel like Santa’s elves and really got into the spirit of it. That’s the way it is every year when we’re wrapping the gifts for the kids. We’re helping Santa out; we’re Barts elves. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you, Tammy, and all of Barts Electric. Peace on Earth and goodwill to all.